
2020 NAHJ San Diego-Tijuana Board Nominations

It’s that time of the year again to open up chapter board nominations. This is a great way to give back, mentor and advocate for journalists. We are looking to fill the positions of president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and social media manager.

If you would like to join the board send a short bio, reasons for running and position.

All positions are voluntary for one year and only require 2-5 hours a month of service. Officers work together to plan monthly chapter events for our local members via email/text and meet once a month.

You can apply if your NAHJ membership is current and a professional journalist.
(Renew here: https://nahj.memberclicks.net)

If you are interested in dedicating time to our local chapter as a board member — please email [email protected] by midnight Sunday, July 19.

Elections will be held July 20-26 online, and the new board will be announced July 27. Only current NAHJ members can vote.
2020 Chapter Position Descriptions

The President of the chapter is responsible for directing the activities of the chapter,
subject to the oversight of the Chapter Board, and shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter
Board and be present at all chapter events. The president leads the chapter board to plan monthly events, sends monthly newsletters and writes an annual report to the NAHJ headquarters.

Vice President:
This VP attends all NAHJ San Diego-Tijuana events and board meetings and helps organize monthly events. The VP also takes the lead at all events and fills in for the chapter president when he/she cannot fulfill his/her duties. The VP also is in charge of checking-in attendees at events.

The Treasurer is responsible for all of the financial activities of the chapter, including the collection and distribution of chapter funds upon receipt or proper direction or authorization and sends money to NAHJ headquarters. This individual attends all NAHJ San Diego-Tijuana events and board meetings, helps organize monthly events and is in charge of collecting money from members at events for fundraising.

The Secretary attends all NAHJ San Diego-Tijuana events and board meetings, helps organize monthly events, and takes minutes during NAHJ meetings. They also post chapter news and events our chapter’s blog and creates associated all non-financial records such as flyers for events.

Social Media Manager:
This person is will be in charge of posting all chapter news and events on our Twitter and Facebook accounts. They will also create flyers, hashtags and associated content to drive engagement to our social media pages.