Meeting Minutes
NAHJ San Diego/Tijuana May 2014 meeting
Call to order:
by chapter president Elena Gomez ay 7 p.m.
President Elena Gomez, present
Vice President Alejandra Cerball, present
Treasure Zackery Hernandez, present
Secretary Carlos Rico, present
Item 1: Introduction of board officers
Item 2: Introduction of new members
Item 3: Upcoming events
- June 14 meeting, Border Patrol Tour 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
i. First 14 members to sign up can go, if more than 14 then raffle will occur.
ii. It was also brought up what the rules of engagement are. Can we take photos or video? Elena was going to find out.
- Los Angeles chapter Mixer last Thursday of the month 7-10 p.m.
i. Elena urged members to try and go at least once and to carpool with others.
- NAHJ National Convention San Antonio Aug. 7-9
i. Three students interested, one professional member and all officers
ii. Chapter is looking to do fundraisers to pay for some of the costs.
- Chapter is also working on having a meeting a in Tijuana
Item 4: Website, Blog, Twitter
- Alejandra said she will be working on getting the blog to post events, minutes from meetings, jobs and other important chapter news. A website will be created down the road.
- Elena said she will get the Twitter account active again @NAHJSDTJ
Item 5: New member incentives
- Elena said she was able to get the $30 sign up fee again for new members.
- Elena also said the chapter is working on getting prizes, gift cards, discounts for members who bring in most new members.
Item 6: Student updates
- Student chapter president Antonio Marques said he along with other student members from City College went to Southwestern College to recruit new student members.
- Antonio also said student thinking about having a summer BBQ mixer.
- Student chapter is also work with AAJA student chapter and NAHJ Los Angeles chapter president to grow.
Item 7: Public comment
- Aida Bustos suggest we should consider USC professor Robert Hernandez as a guest speaker at future meeting. He also does twitter chat every Wednesday at 5p.m. #WJchat on future of journalism.
- Antonio mentioned how National chapter president Hugo Balta was able to get an apologize for its insensitive remarks and actions about Cinco de Mayo on MSNBC morning show.
Item 8: Additional orders
- Elena said the chapter is starting process to become nonprofit 501©3.
- Also looking at other fundraising ideas and getting items to raffle off like Padres tickets.
- And Elena asked member to think of companies that would want to do trade-offs with us and/or sponsor our organization.
Meeting adjourned by Elena at 7:46 p.m.